This morning, when I woke up at ten hundred hours, while trying to locate my phone in bed to turn the bloody alarm off - luckily I remembered to choose a happy tune - the sunrays were finding
their way through the shutters, whispering to me to hurry out into the sun before it gets too hot. So I got up, put on my nikes (oops some covered advertising right there; hey maybe I'll get paid
for that :P), threw on some trunks and a shirt and went for a little jog. When I exited the apartment building, a fresh smell of various mothers preparing dinner shortly diverted my focus from
the mission ahead, but my reasonable mindset kept me from zoning out. As I continued on the random route I had picked in the moment, I remembered that there was an outdoor gym in running
distance, so my brain's GPS quickly calculated the route guidance and I was off. Once arrived, while I was doing pull-ups and push-ups with a view of the Kinneret, a mother with a little daughter
came over to me to ask if I knew any playgrounds close-by. The first thing that struck me as odd was that she chose me, because we were basically surrounded with countless locals that looked ten
times the Israeli I was. The second thing that struck me as odd was that I even remembered how to get there?!?
(mental note to self, your brain is still working :D)
Thus I put myself to the test of giving directions in Hebrew, which actually turned out not to be much of a challenge, as I only had to remember straight, left, right and WRONG - wait a second, there's something WRONG with my enumeration^^. Hence, the lady left happy and wasn't wandering around with a child looking lost anymore, and I concluded from the scene that had just played that my Hebrew was still good and, who figured, I actually look like I could be from here. <-- huge win, right?
Next thing I know, I'm back in the apartment sweating like a pig (please don't unfriend me now :P), really eager to take a cold shower to steam off, when from the corner of my eye, I see the pitas my grandpa brought me yesterday eyeballing me from the kitchen begging "Please eat us! NOOW!". Just for the record, I am never - NOT EVER - told twice to eat something tasty!! So with mega light speed, I prepare two pitas and gulf them down like there's no tomorrow, constantly reminding myself that we're soon to leave to visit my cousin's parents-in-law in Kibbutz En Gev to enjoy an enormous feast with barbeque and cakes for dessert. But according to facebook, 575988 people support the concept of YOLO and although I don't like mainstream, I decided to go with the flow. In retrospect I have to say that this decision definitely-100% topped everything that happened today (didn't know fb can teach you these kind of vital lessons so let's have some thumbs up ;D).
HINT: Remember, it's all about weighing up pros and cons and as expected, FOOD wins. Oh, on this subject, shout out to OREN SHOSHAN, my great SHAMEN! cousin and all-time-ally in the food demolition business!
The remaining part of the day passed me by in a rush, I asked time but couldn't find out what the hurry was all about. Shower, clothes, car, greetings, food, drinks, more
food, talking, even more food, playing with dogs :), coffee and tee, goodbye, car, HOME. Wow that was exhausting... Until the next!
Write a comment
Maria (Saturday, 01 February 2014 16:38)
food <3
Laraluuu (Saturday, 01 February 2014 16:50)
Nice post alon! and especially nice writing style !
Omi (Saturday, 01 February 2014 17:27)
... So toll .. Und ich habe keinen Drucker!! :(
Isabelle (Sunday, 02 February 2014 04:09)
Sehr alonisch :-D man hat richtig vor Augen, wie du in diesem Tag reinpasst. Da freu ich mich auf deine naechsten Texte! :-)
Oren (Sunday, 02 February 2014 06:29)
Who did you call Shamen, - Shamen!!!! LOL
where's my PITA?????? :( :( :(
Yehuda Dua (Sunday, 02 February 2014 07:12)
I enjoyed reading your diary, keep writing, you are a great writer!
I'm waiting for you to write a diary journey experiences with me! (;